Thursday, July 5, 2012

Till death do us part...

2 weddings and a funeral

Hello everyone! I had read on the rules of blogging you should never start with an apology for not posting in a while, so with that in mind sorry for the delay in updates. I hope you can accept my apology but there has been a lot going on with me since I last posted.Most notably my (great) uncle died which was a shock given he wasn't that old. That was a hard day.I've seen dead bodies before but I've never had to watch someone die over the course of a day. It was tough emotionally and spiritually and even physically. There was a lot happening in the aftermath with regards to funerals and sorting out his estate but most of that has died down now so we're now getting used to him no longer being with us.
My uncle and I were very close especially when I was younger I'd see him a couple of times a week up until my great-grand parents died after which he moved to England to be with his lady. When she died two years ago he moved back up and we saw each other a lot again. He didn't have any children of his own so my sisters and myself were very close to him. He used to give me and my sister pocket money and he was giving my youngest sister (she's 10 so that's allowed) pocket money up until he died. I've said this was a tough time and I spoke to the pastor at church and he said something I didn't expect. I told him that as far as I knew he was an atheist, although my gran was praying over her brother a lot, so I was expecting a little bit of sympathy with a dash of Hellfire thrown in. In stead he said something very different. He said Death sucks, I hate death, you hate death and God hates death. It was never meant to be. You need to find a way to redeem this situation. Redemption was two fold; I said that his death was a shock and it was. Although he was ill, we never thought he would die like he did. However, he was reluctant to see a doctor and even more reluctant to go to hospital ( he thought if I go there I'm never getting out) but I think he knew he was dying. I say this because the day before he died he gave me his car. Secondly I've said he was an atheist and had as far as I know never darkened  a church's door since he was a teenager. That changed, he was at my wedding last year and more than that he donated money to the missionary organization I'm going to be working for. Ironically he died on the day of my sister's birthday.
Work wise everything has progressed well for us. My funding is in place and my CRB check has also come through so I'm starting work on the 6th of August down in Wales. This has worked out well for us as we have house arrangements with regards to mortgages and renting our flat to be dealt with. Who knew going to the bank and sorting out paper work could take so long?
It also means we've been able to go to 2 weddings without going up and down. Gordy's wedding was nearly 2 weeks ago, congratulations to him and Debbie and we have our other friend's wedding in 2 weeks time. These weddings are in stark contrast to Jimmy's funeral. In one way a wedding is like that start of a new life, for the couple anyway, a funeral signifies the end of a life. One talks of the future and is a joyous occasion the other reflects on the past and is marked by tears. 
Lizzie has also handed her notice in at her current work so she'll be starting round about then too. We also have 2 cars which will be good for moving stuff to Wales and also for work when we are down there. I don't know how we would have got ourselves to Wales with just the one car. It's a small car. With one person and the seats down it should be ok and the same again for the other car. They're both small, actually they're both Vauxhall Corsas, even though the newer one is slightly bigger.
This has been a tough time for the family, with my uncle dying and also our move to Wales with new jobs and all that entails. so we would appreciate prayers for us.

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