Thursday, March 15, 2012

Road Trip!

So this weekend the wife and I are setting out on our epic road trip down to Wales. This is significant for 3 reasons, it's the first time either of us will have been in the land of leeks, daffodils and Tom Jones, we get to meet the people I'll be working with and, thirdly, it's the first time I will have had an interview in McDonald's. Spoiler alert: I've no pictures this week hence the Welsh theme with the colours but it also means it will be like a boring auntie's holiday itinerary.
So for those of you who I've not yet told, my first interview should have had some people from OMS present so they're going to rectify this by means of an interview in McDonald's over coffee (maybe they could include "interview coffee" in their next TV spot?).
So that's on Friday and pretty much the first thing we'll do in Wales other than get lost. We're then off to meet Owen and his wife which will be good as I've spoke to him quite a few times, so will be nice to finally meet him face-to-face.
Saturday is a chance to get to know the local area and that sort of thing. I've heard conflicting reports of what Newport and the surrounding area is like from people who have never been there so we can make up our own mind.
Sunday will probably be the most daunting day as we go to the church. They're very keen, as am I, for this to happen so it will be a case of being bombarded with lots of new faces and possibly a quick Q&A up front. However, I'm told there will be an afternoon tea which should be good.
And finally on Monday we come home. There might be a stop in Manchester at the OMS HQ or there may not. I was meant to stop there on Friday but due to the interview in a McDonald's on a roundabout it was delayed until Monday but I've just got an e-mail saying it may have to be another time. It seems I will need to be ratified at some point as apparently it can't be done over the phone.
There has been lots of staff movement at OMS with people starting new jobs so I think that hasn't helped and has slowed progress down. However, all in good time. God has been more than generous with us and has opened several doors for us in the last week. The church has very kindly offered to pay for my breakdown cover and has covered my fuel costs for getting to Wales and back which is a huge blessing as that was a bit of a concern given the cost of petrol. It's also important that Lizzie gets a job down there and in the last few days a temporary position has become available so that's also great and we have a potential tenant for our flat which is just incredible. God is good people.

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