Sunday, January 15, 2012

2 be or not to be...(a virgin)

Hey I was looking at a Christian magazine and one of the articles ( ) was dealing with marrying the right person anyway there was a long list of posts talking about marrying people who had premarital sex. This is what I posted.

There are a couple of issues that haven't been dealt with here. If someone wants to marry a virgin then that's up to them. There's no point saying if a guy meets his dream girl would he refuse to marry her because she's not a virgin. Quite clearly she wouldn't be his dream girl if it was such a big hang up for him. Likewise dealing with non-virgins when married is hard and for both people I imagine. I've a non-Christian friend who had sex before he was married and he said to me after he was married he wished he had waited.
Sin even after you're a Christian is a problem and it can still be a problem dealing with the sin that God has forgiven you. Say you murdered someone before you became a Christian there will still be ramifications after you have become a Christian, most sin is like that. Sin has consequences.
Sexual sins are unique in that they have a special role in a person's life. Someone has already mentioned the verse where it talks about the way it's a sin with body and soul (1 Corinthians? Sorry but I don't have a Bible to hand) but there's often more to it. Most sexual sin takes place in the context of a relationship. Ending a relationship because it's wrong is hard, very hard especially if it's been long term and you're living together. There's an old phrase that was a euphemism for unwed people living together and that was "living in sin". I've ended a relationship because it was wrong, although not for the reasons we're talking about here, but in following God's plan I could take some solace in knowing that I was doing the right thing even though it was emotionally torturous at the time. I can say looking back that it was the right thing to do. I'm married to my "dream girl" and I've remained really good friends with my ex-girlfriend. I'm not sure I could of had I not been obedient to God and continued the relationship.
Finally there is grace. If a person doesn't marry you because of your past don't hold it against them. Even though the punishment for all sin is death, grace forgives every kind of sin. Let's show love to other posters and deal with them gracefully even if we disagree with their point of view.

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