Sunday, June 23, 2013

In the words of The Doors, This is the end...

Greetings one and all!

Well this could well be my last ever blog from Caerleon and it is almost certainly, unless I become a frantic blogger, my last ever blog as an OMS youth worker. 

Ronseal, and also the exhibition

If you've been following my blogs or my journey here you will have worked out that June in not August and therefore I'm falling short of a year long contract. Indeed I am. 

There are several reasons for this and I will outline them further down but I won't go into all the details here. If you want to know more get in touch. I love hearing from people back home or where ever they are. 
Well the basic reason that my contract is ending on the 30th June rather than 31st is a financial one. At the start of the year I was given a figure I had to raise for my support for the year which due to the generosity of supporters we met. In addition several people have also made a contribution to us every month. 
Let me take this opportunity to thank them. Without you we couldn't have done what's been done here in Caerleon. I also want to thank the prayer supporters, whether they're on the mailing list, family, friends, or whoever; thank you. Lizzie and I have been acutely aware of how God has moved and provided for us every step of the way. Finally thanks be to God for His gracious provisions for us over the last year or so.   
Anyway the amount I raised was not enough, despite meeting the threshold. There was a miscalculation along the way. To make matters worse this was only noticed after my 9 month review in May and it took some to-ing and fro-ing to work out the amount needed to complete June. Stephen at OMS HQ has been really helpful during this process and it's only right he gets a mention here too. 
On the 31st of May I arranged for a quick fund raising trip to Glasgow, there was already a deficit in my support account at the end of May. It was vital I left for Glasgow the next day and I was still arranging it at 10:30 on the Friday night. I left on the Saturday and came back on the Thursday. The money needed was raised and I was able to catch up with supporters from our home churches. Before leaving it was agreed with OMS that if I raised enough for June then my OMS role would finish then. That being said I'll still be involved at Lodge Farm during July, whilst the school is still running.
That's the state of play. Money raised to cover a bit of May and June with OMS. I then officially finish on the 30th of June. For the next few weeks I'll be working at Lodge Farm doing Impact, Youth Bible Study and Dynamo.

I mentioned the 9 month review or as it became known the big review. 

That was back on the 10th May. Lodge Farm had offered my an extension until 31st December and I would still be with OMS. Lizzie and I prayed about it and we didn't feel it was the right thing to do. That option was there and they did want us to stay. We would liked to have stayed too as we've made friends there and feel quite at home at Lodge Farm. Anyway I am now looking elsewhere and there are a couple of options which are appealing. Obviously there is Lizzie's work situation to be taken into account too, so we really need prayer for that.
Even in doing Christian work there are problems and these financial issues have apparently derailed the plan to further develop similar roles in the UK, The meeting itself was very positive and there was a hope that this work could be developed but that's looking unlikely now.

In my final week I have an assembly at the comprehensive school and the usual assortment of groups in the church too. 

It's been relatively quiet due to the exams happening, which are starting to wrap up this week. It's important that things are rounded off well as we're dealing with young people and we have a witness to them. I've said before it's more than a job it is a calling, it's not about results or money in/money out - relationships are the currency, and sharing the most amazing news of the Gospel is the product: we share that out of love. Also it is important for whoever takes over that they have something positive to build on. We've been having fellowship and food at the various youth groups. Last week at the Youth Bible Study we had a pizza night, and today we did breakfast with Impact. Rounding off our foody specials we're planning a BBQ on Wednesday for Dynamo. 

Back in May the Life Exhibition was running in Pontypool which I was involved with through Torfaen & District Gospel Partnership, which Lodge Farm is part of (actually they're the district in the title). It's an outreach resource that tours the country and is aimed at junior school aged children. It focuses on Jesus life, teaching, miracles, prophesies of His birth, and His death & resurrection. I was really impressed with how well presented it was, with interactive, multi-media technology. I was presenting the section on miracles. each zone last 10 minutes and there would be 3 groups. I convinced some of the children I was a doctor and a magician before owning up. It was part of my props to help them understand that Jesus wasn't a trickster or fraud. He really was who He said He is. Overall the exhibition really gets people to engage with the Gospel in a new and innovative way. It was also open to the public when the schools weren't using it. The local school in Caerleon were very impressed and wrote us a most gracious thank you letter. 


It was also good to see family and friends back in Glasgow.

BBQs bring friends and family together al fresco style
 I got to meet Ellie, my latest niece, for the first time. We didn't think we would see her until July or August but I saw her before she was a week old! Aside from me being in Glasgow, we've had visitors down here too. Lizzie's parents stopped by on their way back from a WEC conference and we had our friend Lynsey visit us too. This week Lizzie's cousin Caitlin is coming down. We're expecting some more guests later in the month and in July too which is always nice. It really does mean a lot to us that people come down and see us.
Me and a previous guest. Sorry about the poor picture quality
Hope to see you soon!