Hello again!
This was meant to be a video blog from last year. I've only just got round to editing it and believe it or not I do actually hate the sound of my own voice especially when videoed.
I'll up load it to Youtube so you can get a flavour of what our youth club looks like, albeit before the youth arrive.
I'll do another video blog this week so keep an eye out for that. I should say that we've been really blessed by the prayerful support of everyone. I've mentioned before we had some issues and since rebooting the ministry for the youth there have not been any of concern for us. I also understand that some people are not getting our prayer/news letters. If you're not and you'd like back copies and future copies please e-mail me and I'll sort that out.News in brief
- The Christian Union in the school is an initiative I'm involved with but it struggles in terms of numbers. Carys and Ellie are 2 pupils who lead it along with Mr Taylor. They've got a great heart and passion to see the pupils reached for God.
- Our Sunday morning Impact group is okay number wise but due to a wide age range it's split in two. Pray that the leaders would be able to find common ground so that it functions a whole.
- Leading on from that, Colin, is hoping to start an new Youth Christianity Explored group.
- I've already mentioned that the new Wednesday and Friday night groups are going well, please continue to pray for them. We also do a short 5 minute epilogue (well middle-logue) which works well and the young people respond well to.