After our marathon journey to Caerleon, we had the weekend to settle in and catch up on some much needed sleep. We both started work on Monday 6th August. Lizzie set off for Cardiff and I set off for Lodge Farm Church. It's helpful that the Olympics are every four years as it gives churches a pretty good idea of a theme for a children's holiday club.

For those of you who have done kids holiday clubs this was a reboot of Going for Gold, not the original and just as Chris Nolan's Batman reboot was better than the Joel Schumacher's series so this reboot was better. Steve Harris was the person who gave it an update and it worked really well. Steve is a street evangelist with several gifts up his sleeve; most notably communicating a Biblical message extremely well, painting, and magic! It's quite clear that he has a real calling to this type of work, evidence by this being his third holiday club in a row.
For those of you who have never done one before, a kid’s holiday club is generally run over 5 days, with a theme that ties into the Biblical story or stories. Kids are split into teams according to their ages and then 2 big teams. There are songs, games. crafts, and quizzes. The stories this week were loosely tied into an Olympic event for example:
Monday's event was swimming which had the account of Jesus meeting the disciples on their boat as he walks out across the water to them. Peter decides to go to Jesus and initially walks on the water but he takes his eyes of Jesus and starts to sink, hence the swimming, before Jesus saves him. Other events were walking (the Israelites marching round Jericho), equestrian (Saul on his way to Damascus), the marathon (Philip running alongside the Ethiopian), and diving which had the well-known Bible story of Archie the Caterpillar.
I enjoyed meeting the kids and spent the most time with a working with the primary 6 guys which was a great group to be a part of. It was a relatively small group and they all loved football and video games so it meant we had something in common, other than the Olympics. When I get involved with school’s work this is the age group I’ll probably be doing the most amount of work with so at least some of them will know who I am.
The week finished off with a barbeque and family Olympics on the Friday night and they thought it would be a good idea for me to be on the barbeque, not literally of course! We were blessed with a warm sunny evening and I was really surprised by how well it was attended by parents and family members who were well fed. There were different games for families to compete in like the long jump, (straw) javelin throwing, and basketball amongst others. No Olympics would be complete without a prize ceremony in which the team from that week won their prize. Steve kept telling the kids that the team that wins gets a prize but he never told them that the other team’s participants would also get a prize, the same prize.
My Union Flag |
As it was the holiday club this week there was no youth club on, that’s a story for another time.